Friday 29 November 2013

So an update?

Well hello, my no followers I just wanted to throw an update out there for no one to read :D

So my last post was my birthday. I had a smashing time, thanks for asking 👍 
It didn't go to plan but it became even better.
So this is what happened: 

My bestie didn't stay and that tore me apart, I didn't waste much money at the local fair, I had a shots party, I kissed another best friend who was in a relationship! I know pretty bad hey? But good comes from it I promise! Keep reading.. 
I brought my birthday in with many disappointments such as many people bailing on me and having to go to college but it turned out quite peachy! I had a few specials that made my college day great and even better ones that made my night memorable! 
So let's show you a few snaps
My cake! Pity I don't eat cake 😭

My family meal with my momma, believe it or not we were both sober 🙊

The girls making me laugh in college, they also took me on a maccies date! How nice!

Formal! With the bestie who did actually show up 👍 also a little but of the dress I showed you in my last post

Taking shots! 🙊👍 

Me and my bestie, who's carrying squishy! Smiles 😊

Yup I ended up at the bar..again 😄

No explanation needed 🙊🙊🙊💋

And this was the kisser 😐 shush! Everyone meet my bestie from college! 

So that's my birthday out of the way, what else have I been up to?

Well mainly college and work! Balancing 4 days college and 4 days work is pretty tough and I never have time but I wouldn't change it for the world #busybee 
I also started a relationship, yes with the guy from my birthday, this is awkward and long winded but yolo! we both realised that we had feelings there, I backed off because he was in a relationship and I had massive guilt about kissing him ON THE CHEEK! Nothing else. We left it at that, until they both and to me for advice because their relationship was falling apart and how could they fix it. 
Right stop there, stop thinking that thought, I didn't help ruin their relationship, we came clean and I backed away, which was extremely hard and awkward seen as we both have the same friends and hang out together in college. But one Wednesday afternoon we had frees from college and say down together and spoke about it and how out friendship was crumbling! We sorted that out and I helped sort their relationship out, I'm good I know. But within days they started complaining again that it was  non fixable. So i left them too it and a few days later we went out and out feelings we stronger so we gave it time and well the rest is history. We're both finally happy and that's all that matters (:
Other than that, I've been out celebrating my new found freedom of being able to go out drinking (I think I may be turning into an alcoholic..oops) and I won the opportunity to buy Doctor who 50th anniversary tickets so I took my pops and his dog to London for his birthday- so here's a few more snappies! 


Early morning car journey with relentless Nom! 

Met the doctors 🙊
Colin Baker
Sylvester McCoy 
Steven Moffat 
Jenna Louise Coleman


We are too cute! Gotta love snapchat ❤️❤️
And this one is for the giggles! I got a distinction in my cruise work! Yay!

So folks that's all I got time for! I should post some more really instead of waiting a month a posting a lot of shit! 

Love ya! 

Xoxo gossip girl (ok I have been watching this on Netflix recently, my bad!) 

Cheey xxx

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